m00m Theatre on the Air
The official audio broadcast of the m00m resistance. m00m is a community-first science fiction universe with a thought-provoking and entertaining audio series centered around a group of rebels and interstellar shipping container creatures who have taken a stand against the "F8 Corporation". F8's global technocracy has captured the consciousness of humanity through their hive-mind brain implant known as "F8 Clarity". The m00m audio series, "m00m Theatre on The Air" is available on iOS/Android in our original app "The BBS", Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Podcast Addict, Deezer and PlayerFM. Interested in joining the resistance and contributing to the story? Join us by visiting https://m00m.world
m00m Theatre on the Air
m00m Theatre on the Air: Episode 6, Chapter 6 "ZERO ZERO"
m👁👁m Theatre on the Air proudly presents:
Season 1 / Episode 6, Chapter 6, “ZERO ZERO”
Listen/watch with our visual companion on our original app: https://bbs.m00m.world/posts/15121112
Join our community: https://m00m.world/engage
🛰Episode Summary:
m00m reveals more about his species as the team preps for an upcoming mission in a new city. The F8 Corporation demands answers from their staffs failure at The Port of Los Angeles...
🛰Fun Fact:
Episode 6 has the longest duration of any of our episode to date (22 minutes), and features the most spoked dialog between characters. In this episode we continue our commitment of working with our community by onboarding two additional community members as voiceover talent.
🛰Episode Credits:
Written & Narrated by: @geographic
Voice Acting:
GOLDSTAR, @goldstar (herself)
m00m, @TheLionOfWeb3
Kevin, @MitchMula
Agent C, @ScotchySnipes
Agent Q, @KennyG
Daniel (Port Worker Extra), @Panleya
Original Music/Score:
Concept Art and AI Generative Art:
Sound FX: Georgia Triantafyllopoulou